We all know someone who has Arthritis, or we have at least heard the term before. Unfortunately Arthritis is far too common. There are 2 major types of Arthritis and in this blog post we will discuss both.
What is it?
Arthritis has 2 major types Rheumatoid and Osteo. Despite sharing the same ending term arthritis these 2 terms are very different.
Rheumatoid Arthritis- RA as it's most commonly known is an auto-immune disorder that causes inflammatory symptoms throughout the entire body.
Osteoarthritis- OA as it's commonly known is a degenerative condition usually caused by wear and tear overtime on the joints.
How Do I Treat It?
Rheumatoid- While there is no cure for RA there are treatments that can help slow or delay the process of the disorder. Most common treatments are medicines such as: steroids, NSAIDs (anti-inflammatories), and DMARDs (disease-modifying-antirheumatic drugs) Your doctor may also send you to Physical Therapy to help keep the joints mobile/flexible.
Osteo- In severe cases surgery may be required but the most common course of treatment is Physical Therapy for pain relief and strengthening/mobility Exercises. Anti-inflammatory also can be used, as well as Ice for pain relief. If no relief is felt with the above steps a diet based on eliminating foods that cause inflammation could help as well.
So whether you have one of the conditions above, or know someone with the conditions above always consult medical opinion to determine the best course of treatment. There are also numerous support sites online to help connect those who share the same diagnosis.