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Common Office Injuries

Writer's picture: Broadway Physical TherapyBroadway Physical Therapy

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

What are Office Ergonomics

   Musculoskeletal injuries are common with those who work in an office setting due to poor desk set up and prolonged sitting. You can reduce these problems by adjusting your office to be Ergonomic Friendly while also helping to maintain productivity and improve comfort. 

What are the Most Common Injuries?

-Bursitis -Tendon Injuries

- Muscle Strains-usually in the neck/back/shoulders

-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

How can I Fix my Office?

 1) Adjust your computer monitor so that it is directly in front of you and ensure that the screen is at eye level. 

2) Buy or Create a foot rest to help give your back/legs support to reduce Low Back Pain.  This step is especially importance if you're unable to have your feet rest flat on the ground while sitting.  3) Make sure you have an office chair that has adjustable arm rests, adjustable seat height, and also back support. When using arm rests you should be able to sit with arms comfortably resting while neck/back are in good posture and not slouching.  4) Buy/request a mouse tray that is adjustable and large enough to fit both keyboard/mouse. Always try to have the mouse on your dominant side and close to you to avoid reaching.

5) Also to avoid reaching rearrange your desk so that the items you use the most are comfortable in front of you or within arms length.

How do I Treat These Injuries? If you have any of the injuries listed above, always make sure to start by correcting your work station. Rest and Anti-Inflammatory Medicines also may help with the pain and gentle stretching to help improve flexibility/posture. If you have tried these please consult a Physician as it may be beneficial for you to receive Physical Therapy to help improve these injuries. 

To wrap things up, Office Injuries are very common and most of the general population is susceptible to these injuries. By fixing your work station, and treating these injuries you will be able to work with less pain  and be more effective. 

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