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  • Writer's pictureBroadway Physical Therapy

Heat vs Ice

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

 It's a common occurrence when someone becomes injured to ask, do I use heat or ice? The answer isn't a simple one but an important one. This blog post will help you determine what is best for you. 


  1. Used best for acute Injuries

  2. Helps decrease inflammation

  3. Provides numbing sensation for pain relief

  4. Constricts blood Vessels

  5. Helps limit/reduce bruising


  1. Used best for Chronic Injuries

  2. Reduces stiffness in the muscles

  3. Provides relaxation for tight muscles and stiff joints

  4. Increases Blood Flow

  5. Used before performing Exercises 

In the end both are reasonable, affordable and effective ways to help manage pain, but choose wisely! Never use Heat on acute injuries as it can increase inflammation causing a delay in healing. Try to always use a protective layer to avoid skin irritation. Common rule of thumb is, Ice for recent injuries and heat for chronic injuries. If you still have questions always consult medical advice from a Physical Therapist or Doctor to ensure best results.  #MotorVehicleAccident #WorkersCompensation #EastBoston #Cambridgephysicaltherapy #Peabodyphysicaltherapy #Salemphysicaltherapy #ShoulderInjury #Sciatica #SlipandFall #FamilyMedicine #InternalMedicine #BroadwayPhysicalTherapyRevere #PhysicalTherapyWorks #BroadwayPT #Reverephysicaltherapy #BestPhysicalTherapy #Revere #Google #Chelsea #Boston #Everett #Winthrop #Saugus #Maldenphysicaltherapy #Melrosephysicaltherapy #WorkersCompensation #PhysicalTherapy #PhysicalTherapist #PersonalInjury #PhysicalTherapyNearMe #ClosestPhysicalTherapy #PhysicalTherapyRevere #PhysicalTherapistNearMe #PhysicalTherapy #physicaltherapistsnearme #doesphysicaltherapywork #backtherapynearme #activemotionphysicaltherapy #acephysicaltherapy #Baystatephysicaltherapy #bestphysicaltherapynearme #Broadwayclinic #cheapphysicaltherapy #clinicsnearme #doIneedatherapist #outpatientphysicaltherapynearme #performancephysicaltherapy #physicaltherapyplaces #revereclinic #revereclinics #southshorephysicaltherapy #therapist #sportsmedicinerehabilitation #walkinclinicopenlate

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