With the Holiday Season Approaching we here at Broadway PT wanted to present some fun facts! Christmas-Letters in the USA addressed to Santa are forwarded to Santa Claus, Indiana
- Some zoo's throughout the world will accept old/donated Christmas trees to use as food for their animals
- Since 1960 majority of Sweden's population chooses to watch Donald Duck cartoons on Christmas Eve
-Purchases made in regards to Christmas account for 1/6 of Retail Sales Annually Kwanzaa
- The Number 7. There are 7 Symbols and 7 Principles to account for each day of Kwanzaa
- Kwanzaa Celebrated it's 50th birthday back in 2016
-The name Kwanzaa comes from a Swahili phrase meaning "first fruits" Hanukkah
- Sometimes also referred to as Festival of Lights
-During the 8 days of Hanukkah the Hallel is said at entirety
-Usually celebrated in homes on the 25th day of the Jewish Month Kislev
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