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Kinesio Tape

Writer's picture: Broadway Physical TherapyBroadway Physical Therapy

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

You may be asking yourself, "I always see the colorful tape on athletes what is that?" Kinesio Tape was created and invented back in the early 1970's. After many failed attempts due to adhesive difficulty Dr. Kenzo Kase created what was known as Kinesio Tex Tape, now known as Kinesio Taping.

What is Kinesio Tape?

Kinesio Tape is known to affect many systems with different physiological effects. Systems thought to be affected by the use of Kinesio Tape include: muscular, fascial, neural and lymphatic. Due to its many benefits therapists are using the method to improve posture, correct movement patterns, improve posture as well as help move/reduce fluids. There are different levels of tension that can be applied to Kinesio Taping depending on purpose of use.

Why is it different than other kinds of tape?

Kinesio Taping or K Tape is different than other taping techniques such as McConnell or Athletic Taping. McConnell and Athletic Taping typically limit the ROM or motion for that body part but Kinesio Taping allows for movement of freedom.

Should I Try it?

If you feel you would benefit from Kinesio Taping it is very important you have someone apply who is trained to do so to ensure it is applied properly. Those typically trained with Kinesio Taping included but are not limited to: Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Athletic Trainers, Chiropractors, Nurses and Physicians.

In Conclusion, if after reading this article you wanted to experience Kinesio Taping discuss with one of the many medical professionals listed above in your area. Because it might just solve your pain and you can be like your favorite professional athlete as well!

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