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The Importance of Daily Exercise

Writer's picture: Broadway Physical TherapyBroadway Physical Therapy

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

Getting Out of Bed Doesn’t Count!

Unless you do the kind of work which can honestly be compared to exercise please pay attention, exercise and aerobic activity can be the difference of a good long life and well, you get the point. Just because you are not considered overweight does not mean that you considered in good health.

It’s a Choice!

Daily exercise is a life choice, a decision that you have to make on a daily basis in order to help maintain good energy levels and a healthy lifestyle. Some of us have the best intentions when we join a gym but let’s face it, those memberships often go unused. An expensive key holder accessory doesn’t help anyone, especially you.

It’s a conscious effort

Your schedule reflects directly onto your habits and by not making time for exercise all you are getting used to doing day in and day out is not making any kind of change. Welcome to complacency.

Make Time!

Create a window in your schedule. A big enough time slot to get to and from the gym and add an hour to that.

Show Up!

By putting yourself in a place where the only activity is working out and or exercising you have limited yourself to either staying there and participating or leaving.


Sweatpants and a T-Shirt, if you feel like dressing up for the gym then you’re probably there for the wrong reason. Get a gym bag and lock for your locker. And, if you’d like, grab something to drink.

Do you know what you’re doing?

Don’t be the person at the gym that gets on gym equipment the wrong way and accidentally get YouTube famous for the wrong reasons. If you haven’t ever worked out before it’s definitely worth getting a trainer, almost all major gyms have trainers available.

Don’t overdo it!

You’ve made it to the gym, you are working out. So there is no reason to hurt yourself, take it easy. Whether you used to go to the gym all the time or even if this is your first time don’t ruin it by pushing yourself to hard. No reason to take a huge step backwards now that you’ve arrived.

Stay Motivated!

Arnold Schwarzenegger didn’t become Mr. Universe in a week so you won’t hit your goals right away either. Stay motivated but, be realistic. Gains are different for everyone, not everybody has the same genes or the same amount of spare time to work out.

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