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What are Concussions?

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

With the summer sports in full effect and fall sports right around the corner, we wanted to touch base on Concussions to help bring awareness to the community. Whether you are a sports coach, parent, trainer, or health care provider it's crucial to be able to understand Concussions.

What are Concussions?

A Concussion is a type of brain injury caused by traumatic force resulting in movement or jolting of the brain. There are numerous causes that lead to concussion such as: Motor Vehicle Accident, Sports Related Injuries, and Falls.

What are the Signs & Symptoms?

According to the CDC these are the signs and Symptoms of Concussion. Signs:

- Loss of Memory or Inability to Recall Events prior to mechanism of injury

-Dazed or Stunned look

-Loss of Consciousness 

- Mood/Behavioral Changes



-Sensitivity to Light/Noise


- Impaired Balance

It's important if you suspect someone of having a concussion to remove them from strenuous activity as well as seek medical advise ASAP to avoid further complications/symptoms.  The fact of the matter is, Concussions are very common and far too dangerous especially to younger children. Our hope is that this BLOG post will help you recognize and be more aware of them.

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