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What is Plantar Fascia?

Writer's picture: Broadway Physical TherapyBroadway Physical Therapy

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

Plantar Fascia is a thick connective tissue that attaches the heel to the toes. The tissue is used as a safety net to encompass the muscles and bones of the foot.

Plantar Fasciitis is a term used for inflammation of the Plantar Fascia and is a common diagnosis. 


Common symptoms include:

- pain( mostly in the heel but can also be other areas of foot)

-impaired balance


-impaired walking tolerance


-inflammation in the foot

How Do You Treat It?

Common treatments include but are not limited to:

- Physical Therapy

   Stretching, Strengthening, Massage, and Modalities for Inflammation/Pain Relief



      Anti-Inflammatory, Steroidal Injections, 

-Home Remedies

  R.I.C.E- Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

  Improved shoe wear/Orthotics

In Conclusion, should you think/know anyone with foot pain always consult your MD to get a proper diagnosis. Once diagnosed Physical Therapy will probably be needed and should you need a place to go we are here at Broadway PT & Rehab 781-284-0559. In the meantime using R.I.C.E technique can help manage the pain/symptoms.  #MotorVehicleAccident #WorkersCompensation #EastBoston #Cambridgephysicaltherapy #Peabodyphysicaltherapy #Salemphysicaltherapy #ShoulderInjury #Sciatica #SlipandFall #FamilyMedicine #InternalMedicine #BroadwayPhysicalTherapyRevere #PhysicalTherapyWorks #BroadwayPT #Reverephysicaltherapy #BestPhysicalTherapy #Revere #Google #Chelsea #Boston #Everett #Winthrop #Saugus #Maldenphysicaltherapy #Melrosephysicaltherapy #WorkersCompensation #PhysicalTherapy #PhysicalTherapist #PersonalInjury #PhysicalTherapyNearMe #ClosestPhysicalTherapy #PhysicalTherapyRevere #PhysicalTherapistNearMe #PhysicalTherapy #physicaltherapistsnearme #doesphysicaltherapywork #backtherapynearme #activemotionphysicaltherapy #acephysicaltherapy #Baystatephysicaltherapy #bestphysicaltherapynearme #Broadwayclinic #cheapphysicaltherapy #clinicsnearme #doIneedatherapist #outpatientphysicaltherapynearme #performancephysicaltherapy #physicaltherapyplaces #revereclinic #revereclinics #southshorephysicaltherapy #therapist #sportsmedicinerehabilitation #walkinclinicopenlate



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