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Winter is Here!

Writer's picture: Broadway Physical TherapyBroadway Physical Therapy

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

The winter is here! We want to provide some tips to help avoid slips/falls and injuries due to snowy/icy walkways.  Whether you're a residence or a business it's important to clear/control your walkway/fronts to avoid falls/slips. 

1) Always shovel the snow away from the walkway/storefront.

2) Use salt/sand to help with Icy walkway/storefront this will help provide improved safety/stability with those walking. 

3) Most cities/states will issue fines for those who don't clear the walkways due to it being such a safety risk.  In short, always make sure to clear the snow with a shovel and if ice is present use sand or salt to help melt the ice and improve slipperiness. If you do end up with a fall always make sure to see a medical professional to ensure no severe injuries!

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